New Story in The Works

While my grammar, puncuation and sometimes my spelling may suck, I am a prolific writer. I can sit down just about any time and turn out from 2,500 to 5,000 words.  A story I wrote “Here A Geas, There A Geas, Everywhere A Gease, Geas,  Geas” Came from a discussion I was having with another person on a forum about getting publish.  If you have tried to do this with the publishers on paper you will know already that it’s near impossible to do for a new author.

Read John Locke,’s “How I sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 months”, Here is a man who had started multiple business and sold them for a lot of money who spent thousands trying to get his books to be publish and it did not happen. He finally devised a marketing scheme that work, He had 8 eBook on the Amazon Kindle top 20 at the same time! 

Back to my story,  anyway that night after our discussin on the Baen Bar, 

I woke up like around 2 in the morning jumped on the computer and wrote the story, I mean the whole story all 5,300 words.  LOL, of course after going back to bed and then waking up normally I could tell tat it needed a lot of editing and proofing. Which after more then 3 years it still needs.  I did mention my grammar is horible.

Well I got like one story this one here Into The Shadow which I estimate will be near 100,ooo words by the time I get it finished. Then I am working on The Quantum Knight, but also theres is the train trip that Abrigal Silverlock took from San Fransico one early morning in 1906 when the train was full of ever practictioner of the Arts who could run.  She got a ride in a private pullmen with a man named Merlin.

As you can see I got a lot of work coming forth. I hoep you stick around to read them. Hey Subscribe to my two blog, Cassie’s Blind Sight and Into The Shadows that way yu will not miss them when they stort hitting the ePages lol.






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